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Arbitration Victory re: Uncompensated Mandatory Summer Training

After nearly 10 years of litigation, our Union leadership team is pleased to report that we have won a sweeping victory on our grievance over the scheduling of uncompensated mandatory training (PDDs) after Commencement. In his 77-page final decision, the arbitrator rules the university had violated our Contract and issues the following award:

“The University violated Article XII of the Agreement between the State of New Jersey and the Council of New Jersey State College Locals, AFT, AFL-CIO dated July 1, 2007-June 30, 2011 when it mandated faculty to attend training sessions in June 2008. The University shall cease and desist from mandating the performance of responsibilities such as the one it imposed here that are not authorized by the terms set forth in the Agreement and Article XII in particular.”

Click here to read the arbitrator's full decision >>

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